Enough of that. It's New Year's Day!!!! This is when we are supposed to make resolutions and raise our expectations, often higher than is reasonable. Not in every case, but in my own experiences, it's what I do. This year shall be different! Like many people, I'm going to make goals instead of "resolutions." Are they the same thing? Basically. But "setting goals" makes it more of an action. Makes it a game to play. My goals are going to be reasonable, doable, much needed goals. And I'm going to try not to work in absolutes. I've decided that very rarely in life are there any absolutes. So, to start the New Year off, I'm going to attempt to put a stop to that (in my life).
1) I'm going to work on getting the clutter out of my life- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. This is something that can be done fluidly. It's something that I can work on every day. It's going to help me feel more settled in my own environment, which is something I desperately need. It's also a never ending thing, but one that I have sorely neglected the past 12 months. 2013 was not kind to me. Neither was I kind to me. Time to work on that.
2) I'm going to work on being a better friend and family member- I keep in contact with my immediate family and my core group of friends on a very regular basis. But what about the cousins that live far away, or the friends that I don't see regularly? I can be really shy and quiet, but those friends became friends for a reason. I need to remember that so I can re-cultivate those relationships. In my prior post, I mentioned my hilarious extended family. I'm going to work on trying harder to reach out to them. I'm going to try to go visit them. They're awesome! I'm mean, they're related to me, so was there any doubt?
3) I'm going to work on having more positive things in my life- There is so much negativity out there. ALL OVER. I'm not talking about just negative attitudes. I'm talking about negativity in the media, social media, books, music, atmospheres we hang out in, etc. I'm going to try to replace those things with fun, light and more wholesome things. If I see that watching the news and hearing people bash on eachother is taking me down, then I'm going to turn it off, shut off the phone. If the book I'm reading isn't quite what it said it was, then into the trash it goes. If the music that's on makes me feel oogy or angry, then it needs to go the heck away. Y'all get the point. That's what I love about ya!
4) I'm going work on using my right brain more- I'm a nurse. Have been for 13 years. The left side of my brain is tired and worn out, while the right side is jumping around like it's on crack, just waiting to be used. (ha!) It makes for an interesting battle in my head, that's for sure. I love art. I love photography. I love making things. It's time to do more of these, so I can have some sort of creative outlet. I'm positive this will help with the above mentioned goals as well, so score! Also, Santa brought me a sewing machine for Christmas, so I am going to be able to learn something new!
So. Those are my goals, and I'm excited to start! Another thing that I'm going to do to help make all this happen is what I'm going to call "52 Pins of Interest." Recently, I have become obsessed with Pinterest. Mostly because I'm in awe of what some people are capable of making with their own two hands. How much patience and focus they have. And it's all SO SIMPLE! Yeah. Well. I'm going to try to do one Pin a week. Then I'm going to write about it and document with a picture or two or ten. It should be way fun...and funny. I mean, I like to do all these things, but that doesn't mean I'm any good. I will probably have some pretty awesome Pin Fails. All the more fun, I say!
So stay tuned! If you have any input on what I should try, let me know. If you have any comments or questions, hit me up! I hope 2014 treats everyone like the ladies and gentlemen they are (or should be). I hope that we can all get rid of some of the negative and put more light back into our lives. People are awesome (most of the time), we all just need to remember that.

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