Maybe I got carried away there. It has bomb in its name, it only seemed fitting. Ok, so I'm going to start my 52 Pins of Interest this week. Today. Right now. My Pins of Interest idea is really for my own benefit. If y'all garner any tips or encouragement from them, then HOLLER!
I'm not a crafty person. I think I have a crafty brain (in more ways than one), but generally I don't do crafts. Not because I don't like them, I do. Mainly because I don't have the patience to do them. Perhaps I'll add that to my goals for this year: Along with my Pins of Interest, I shall endeavor to learn patience and focus. Now that that's out of the way...
So far, the Pins I have decided on are pretty simple. There are a few more challenging ones in there, but I'm going to keep it easy for now.
To begin...
For some reason or another, I decided on Garbage Disposal Bombs. For this Pin of Interest, PopSugar helped me out. This looks simple enough, and they are way handy. I loved making bath bombs (a blog for another day), so why not garbage disposal bombs? I was sure they'd smell awesome. And if y'all could see what I just dumped down the disposal, you'd probably understand my line of thinking.
I got all of my ingredients together:
***Let me put in a disclaimer here. I look at recipes and crafts, and I hardly ever follow the directions word for word. I always like to add my own thing to them. I don't stray too far from the original, but I add a little Emily Twist to it. I can't seem to help myself. End of disclaimer***
****A disclaimer to the disclaimer, I will most likely do this on most if not all of my Pins. I really can't help myself. End of disclaimer to the disclaimer****
3/4 c of Baking soda
1/2 c of Salt
Lemon (I also used a Lime)
1/2 tsp Liquid Dish Soap

In a bowl, you add the baking soda and salt together.
Take your lemon (and lime), and grate the peeling into the bowl and mix together.
Add the liquid dish soap.
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and lime into the bowl, one half at a time. Beware here...the baking soda and the acid from the juice will make some fizz, so add slowly. I used a small strainer to catch the seeds.You may not need all of that juice, so mix as you go. It's definitely easier to do this if you mix by hand. You want the consistency of wet sand. Think beach. Think California. Think...ok, so whatever, just feel wet sand. You don't want the mix to be soppin' wet. You can tell it's damp enough if you pick up a small handful, squeeze it in your fist, and it sticks together.
I noticed that it smelled strongly of baking soda. I wanted more citrus, so I added 10-15 drops of my sweet orange essential oils. That was just the trick! It was perfect for me! The kitchen smelled awesome!
Now time to scoop!
I put some parchment paper on the table and got a Teaspoon measuring spoon and used that to scoop out the bomb mix.
Important thing to note: once you have scooped a spoonful of mix out, press it firmly into the spoon. It will make it adhere to itself a lot more. Bombs can be uber crumbly, so this is an important thing to remember. Otherwise you will have a big fat mess of crumbs on your hands and table. Line up your bombs on your parchment paper, and voila!
Now, leave them alone. DO NOT TOUCH. Let them sit over night, then you can put them in an air tight container. On the Pin, PopSugar had a cute little jar. I will most likely put mine in a plain mason jar, 'cause that's how I roll. Maybe one day I'll make some cute labels. Either way, they turned out so great. They look pretty and smell awesome! I can't wait to use them!!
This recipe makes about 40 little bombs. All in all, it took all of about 10 minutes. It was so simple. To use these little guys, you just put a few in your disposal, turn the water on, then flip the disposal switch. Nothing will explode. Except your senses. They will explode with the sweet, crisp citrusy aroma permeating through the air. (If you read that last sentence in a dreamy, overly dramatic voice, props to you...if not, go read it again)
If you want to------->

Lol!! "Go read it again." Hahaha! Priceless!
ReplyDeleteWell, just saying. hahaha!!
DeleteI wanna make some! Except....we don't have a disposal. I don't know why, and it's very inconvenient, but Germans don't have disposals. Or deep sinks. Or closets.
ReplyDeleteBut Germans have awesomely fresh food, and beautiful scenery, and awesome vacations. :) I'm going to blog about bath bombs, I bet the girls would love to make them. They are so much fun!